Pavia, the city of the “hundred towers”. In actual fact, there were 78 towers: 35 of which are still standing, there are still some remains of 16 and the other 29 are merely memories from documents. The towers that almost certainly stood over the city’s rooftops and for which Pavia is famous, were destroyed. There are however a series of ruins strewn between houses which make the city particularly evocative. The most important ruins are undoubtedly the three towers in the Leonardo da Vinci square, with the Torre del Maino measuring 51 metres high. The towers in the ex convent San Tommaso in piazza del Lino are also noteworthy; as is the Torre Belcreda the tower of San Dalmazio in via Luigi Porta; along with Torre Lacchini in piazza Borromeo. They are the seven highest towers remaining standing. |
Exploring the Area
Pavia | Pavese
Ponte Coperto Bridge
Church of San Michele Maggiore
Church of San Teodoro
The Regisole Statue
Cathedral of Pavia
Piazza della Vittoria
The Broletto
The Medieval Towers
Crypt of Sant’Eusebio
Church of Santa Maria del Carmine
Church of San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro
The Visconteo Castle
The Mezzabarba Building
San Francesco Church
The University
Ghislieri College
Borromeo College
Cairoli College
The Fraschini Theatre
Exploring the Area
Voghera | Oltrepò
The Duomo
The Visconteo Castle
Church of Santi Ilario e Giorgio
Castle of Oramala
Castle of Nazzano
Castle of Cigognola
Castle of Montalto Pavese
Castle of Montesegale
Castle of Zavattarello
Exploring the Area
Vigevano | Lomellina
Piazza Ducale
The Castle
The Cathedral
Castle of Scaldasole
Castle of Lomello
Castle of Cozzo
Castle of Sartirana
Castle of Frascarolo