This already existed in the 10th century and the Castle of Cozzo came under the control of Ajmone di Vercelli, before passing into he hands of the Visconti family and then the Sforza family. The building follows a square floor plan and is in the centre of a grassy area and surrounded by a moat with a stone bridge.
Alla scoperta del territorio
Lomellina, castle of Cozzo
Arte, storia e cultura
Tempo libero e itinerari
Alla scoperta del territorio
I comuni paesi

Exploring the Area
Pavia | Pavese

Ponte Coperto Bridge
Church of San Michele Maggiore
Church of San Teodoro
The Regisole Statue
Cathedral of Pavia
Piazza della Vittoria
The Broletto
The Medieval Towers
Crypt of Sant’Eusebio
Church of Santa Maria del Carmine
Church of San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro
The Visconteo Castle
The Mezzabarba Building
San Francesco Church
The University
Ghislieri College
Borromeo College
Cairoli College
The Fraschini Theatre

The Certosa of Pavia

Exploring the Area
Voghera | Oltrepò

The Duomo
The Visconteo Castle
Church of Santi Ilario e Giorgio

Castle of Oramala
Castle of Nazzano
Castle of Cigognola
Castle of Montalto Pavese
Castle of Montesegale
Castle of Zavattarello


Exploring the Area
Vigevano | Lomellina

Piazza Ducale
The Castle
The Cathedral

Castle of Scaldasole
Castle of Lomello
Castle of Cozzo
Castle of Sartirana
Castle of Frascarolo

Castello di Cozzo
The massive and imposing structure has suffered some damage over the centuries. In the ’60s a conscientious restorer brought back the castle to its original state. Points of great interest in terms of the castle’s interior include the decorations and frescoes (a cycle of paintings has been preserved which depicts the visit of King Louis XII of France in 1499). The castle is home to a restaurant and the Mondo X community.
Castello di Cozzo
Piazza Ducale di Vigevano